mapPremier Car Storage covering Hedge End

Premier Car Storage covering Hedge End

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At Aramuna, we take pride in offering a niche and premier car storage facility in the Hedge End. Our mission is simple – to provide discreet and secure storage for your motoring pride and joy. Whether you’re a passionate collector, an overseas resident seeking a safe haven for your vehicle, or a weekend enthusiast searching for reliable storage, Entrust your timeless classics to our capable hands. We understand the value and sentiment behind vintage beauties, and our specialized storage solutions ensure they remain in pristine condition, ready to hit the road whenever you desire.

John Barnard - Technical Director
John Barnard - Technical Director

Ex F1 Designer for McLaren & Ferrari
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"I needed storage for my two E Types whilst building a new house in Hampshire.

Aramuna has good security and well controlled atmospheric conditions. They don’t just store your cars, they are true enthusiasts who help to look after your cars, such as giving them a run when you can’t get there or sorting out small jobs for you. Chris was super helpful and will always be ready with a coffee when you arrive.

I would recommend Aramuna to anyone who has a classic car that needs looking after, and I wish them well for the future.

And if you would like to learn more about his life in motorsport then read"

Available on eBay UK & Amazon Kindle

Why Choose Us

Discover the ultimate car storage experience with Aramuna. Your journey to safeguarding your automotive treasures begins with us. Get in touch today to explore our range of storage options tailored to your unique needs.

Passionate Expertise

We share your love for performance cars, and our team consists of dedicated enthusiasts.

Safety and Security:

At Aramuna, your vehicle’s safety is our top priority. Our facility has the latest security measures, ensuring complete peace of mind.


Whether planning a country getaway or a day at the race track, accessing your vehicle is hassle-free.

Mon - Sun 08:30 - 19:30

with reduced hours on Tues

Aramuna is a niche premier car storage facility set in the heart of the Wessex Region. We provide discreet secure storage for your motoring pride and joy, which is perfect for collectors, overseas residents and weekend enthusiasts’.